Is Tina Dabi Overrated

And I have my own reasons to think so.Firstly,the thing which I dislike about her the most is the victim card she is always trying to play.

Recently,in a TED talk,she talked about the Orthodox mindset and unforgiving nature of the Indian society and how all the social media brunt she faced turned out to be a ’trauma’ for her.
Comeon,give me a break. The trauma she faced is absolutely nothing in comparison to the trauma many general candidates would have faced who got trampled in the UPSC prelims despite scoring well due to unfair advantage given by the reservation system to candidates like Tina Dabi who are totally undeserving of this privilege.I mean,both your parents are IES officers and you have all the resources in the world to prepare for any examination but you still want an unfair advantage for yourself?


I absolutely despise her for the statement she made against the Indian society.All she is today is because of the fame and admiration she has earned from the gullible and ignorant people of this very society who hold her on a high pedestal because she is a ‘talented’ woman.
India does not have and neither did it ever have any dearth of talent.And the worst thing about her is that she does not admit the fact that she got through UPSC because of reservation.

All she does is trying to portray herself as a victim and be a humblebrag about her performance in the UPSC mains.Even I can say that I would have been the best Coder had I got an admit to IIT B CSE.But does that make me worthy of that seat?Not at all.Because there are people who have slogged day and night and combined blood and sweat for that.
Her sense of entitlement to the honour of being a civil servant despite knowing that there were people who worked harder and performed better than her is quite irksome.Anyway,this rant ain't making any difference to the way our society has developed and so I would rest my case here.

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  1. no i also with you. Reservations is much needed in the society cause there are so many victims of cast related issues. but when any of reserved person got the right place so that he she will not face any casteist remarks then he is over if any one still got this and use it will show only selfish and immoral cause there are in really so much needed persons.


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